Tips for Preventing and Treating Beard Discoloration

5 minute read

While a beard having variable colors isn’t an issue to many, some people prefer a more uniform look. In this blog, we’re going to help make you aware of a variety of factors which contribute to beard discoloration as well as some possible solutions to help care for your beard in the long run, even from a younger age.

A great way to get started on preventing or treating beard discoloration is to look at what habits you can pick up (or drop) in your day to day life. Most of these are small lifestyle adjustments which are simple to implement, though work demands and addictive habits can be more difficult to change. 

Bear in mind that it’s best to be patient with any of these tips, as a damaged beard will require time to properly heal.


Get everything you need for your daily beard care - all in one affordable package!


  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals

While Braveheart Beard Oil is a proud practitioner of using naturally sourced ingredients, not all beard care products avoid using harsh chemicals which can damage your beard. Using these can strip away natural oils, prevent hair follicles from absorbing nutrients and moisture, and cause irritation to the skin below your beard. Keep an eye on the ingredient list when purchasing beard care products you haven’t used before - natural plant-based oils are the way to go.

  • Stay Hydrated

Great for your health in general, drinking enough water maintains facial skin and hair follicle elasticity. Not staying properly hydrated can contribute to facial hair becoming brittle and the skin underneath experiencing more inflammation. If you’re concerned about the exact amount of  water you should be drinking, consult with your doctor as many online sources have competing philosophies as to how much water you should drink each day.

  • Maintain a Nutrient Packed Diet

Beard health, and that of all hair on your head, is optimal when you have a diet which has a healthy balance of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. Maintaining a healthy diet can help prevent hair follicles thinning, becoming brittle, losing their sheen, or even slow or regressive growth patterns.

  • Practice Regular Hygiene

A variety of dust, sweat, work-related pollutants, and other environmental factors can accumulate on your beard over time and lead to discoloration if not properly cared for. Be sure to wash your beard regularly, taking care to thoroughly wash it and not skimp out on effort. Exfoliating the skin under your beard a couple of times a week also helps prevent a buildup of dead skin cells which can otherwise lead to discoloration.  


Beard oils are great for helping keep your beard hydrated and protected while organically building a beard hygiene regimen.


  • Use Beard Oils Correctly

While uncommon, it is possible to incorrectly apply beard oils for long periods of time to the point where it can cause yellow discoloration. Beard oils are meant to benefit the beard by protecting, nourishing and helping hydrate it, but it needs to be spread evenly throughout your beard using a comb to ensure it doesn’t cause a buildup. Make sure to only use a few drops as well to prevent a sticky, oily, yellowed beard. You can read more about using beard oil and other beard products in our educational writeup about best practices for beard care.

  • Avoid Smoking

Just as smoking can change the color of the walls in a house over time, smoking can have a yellowing effect on your beard. Tar and nicotine in cigarettes and cigars can leave sticky residue which stains your beard over time, leaving an unpleasant feeling, color, and even smell.

  • Reduce Sun Exposure

While tougher for some to avoid and more prominent in those with lighter beards, excessive sun exposure over time can lead to a damaged and yellowed beard. UV rays can dry out natural oils of both the hair and skin around the beard. This eventually dries out the hair, causing it to become brittle and susceptible to a breakdown in pigmentation. Prolonged sun exposure is also known to open the possibility of frizzy, tangled hair which can make your beard look unkempt.


While beard discoloration/yellowing is mostly prevalent for those with already light colored or bleached beards, it’s good to keep these tips in mind for any beard so that yours can look the best it can for years to come. Don’t forget that yellow beards can be treated with these steps over time.


About the author:

Bill Crawford is a professional Santa who has been handcrafting beard oils for others since 2017. What began as a necessity for himself has turned into a passion for researching the best ingredients and practices for beard care products, which he shares in blogs to the world.

Bill Crawford