Jojoba Oil: An Amazing Ingredient for Beard Oils

5 minute read

Many beard oil companies use a variety of carrier oils in their beard products, but there’s one in particular which is a main player in the industry. Discovered as an ethical replacement for sperm whale oil on the industrial level, Jojoba oil (pronounced “ho-ho-ba”) is an ingredient which is versatile enough to belong to a slew of different self care products for skin, hair, massage oils, and even things like makeup or colognes. Found to be an excellent carrier oil for essential oils, it stands out as a naturally superb candidate for creating beard oils. In this blog, we’re going to take a closer look at what in particular makes Jojoba oil an ingredient which we at Braveheart Beard Oil offer to you in some of our products.


When selecting ingredients, we first look at how it feels to use. Jojoba is renowned for being pleasant on the skin.


Jojoba Oil is Gentle on the Skin

Beard oil is something that’ll be in relatively frequent contact with your skin, making the interaction with skin and the oil important. When applying beard oils, you rub the oil in your palms to get it on your beard and will get some on your face to help the hair follicles and skin stay healthy. Jojoba oil is fantastic for your skin in a few ways:

  1. Jojoba oil is chemically compatible with the natural oils our skin produces (known as sebum). Thanks to this, our skin and hair has an easier time absorbing the oil along with any essential oils that’re in the blend. It also means that the oil won’t leave a greasy residue on your skin once applied and can even help regulate the overproduction of sebum.

  2. The oil’s non-allergenic properties and lack of being greasy mean that it’s great for those with sensitive skin, in particular meaning that it won’t clog your pores and leave blackheads or rashes under your beard.

  3. Jojoba oil has a silky smooth consistency which makes it pleasant on the hands, beard and facial skin.


The Jojoba plant is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Image courtesy of


It Mixes Excellently With Essential Oils

In the context of beard oils, it’s important to select a carrier oil which not only benefits the hair and skin, but is capable of assisting the essential oils in the blend to do their job. At Braveheart Beard Oil, we take a lot of elements of the oils into consideration when making our scents:

  1. Jojoba oil is a stable oil, which means it’ll have a long shelf life. Its stability makes it resistant to oxidation and rancidity, causing it to last anywhere from 2-5 years. More than enough time in the world of beard oils.

  2. While easy for the skin to absorb, it doesn’t mean that Jojoba oil causes the blend to be absorbed into the skin too quickly. Jojoba oil possesses a moderate rate of absorption which makes it excellent for beard oil scents that are intended to last through the day.

  3. Being an oil with a low scent profile makes it optimal for allowing the scents of essential oils that’re blended into it to shine.


An additional benefit to Jojoba oil is its wide replacement of whale oils in products, particularly that of sperm whales (due to a ban on sperm whale products in 1971).


It Provides the Nutrition of Beard Oils It’s Used In

Beard oils are designed with not only the scent in mind, but with helping keep your beard hair and skin around the beard healthy. Keeping in mind the other benefits of Jojoba oil, this carrier oil provides some of the standard benefits of all beard oils:

  1. Beard oils help protect the hair and skin on your face, serving to both nourish and create a thin extra layer on the hair to minimize potential damage.

  2. Carrier oils help soften the hair on your face, which makes it more pleasant to the touch and reduces the likelihood of the hair becoming brittle and damaged.

  3. A beard with a natural beard oil on it will appear healthier and fuller, giving it that healthy glow.


Our Enduring Knights and Free Knights oils use Jojoba as a carrier oil.

Not just that, but the balms of both scents are also made with Jojoba!


With its stability, benefits to the skin, and versatile uses, Jojoba oil is a proven player in the world of beard oils. Braveheart Beard Oil proudly offers Jojoba in our Enduring Knights and Free Knights products, both in the oil and balm forms. We will be writing more informational articles such as this for our monthly newsletter!


About the author:

Bill Crawford is a professional Santa who has been handcrafting beard oils for others since 2017. What began as a necessity for himself has turned into a passion for researching the best ingredients and practices for beard care products, which he shares in blogs to the world.

Bill Crawford